Thursday, 20 October 2016

Create Positive Learning in the Classroom!

Positive Learning

In a classroom there is many things that an educator can do to help the student progress. The environment in which the students are surrounded has a huge impact on their learning. Along with help from the teacher, students must also contribute to positive learning with their good attitude and willingness to learn. Another huge contribution students can do to further better their learning environment is through feedback. By giving feedback they remove the guessing game on the educators part and help to create a mutually beneficial setup for both the educator and student. This blog portrays as a short tid bit of information. I will post a few small links to which help install positive learning, and how to introduce positive learning in the classroom.

In article one it shows what an educator can do to create a positive learning experience in the class.

            This second article has really good information about the “PERMA model- (five elements of wellbeing” 

– Positive Emotions: Feeling positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, interest, hope.
– Engagement: Being fully absorbed in activities that use your skills yet challenge you.
– Relationships: Having positive relationships.
– Meaning: Belonging to and serving something you believe is bigger than yourself.
– Accomplishment: Pursuing success, winning achievement and mastery.

The key to having a positive environment in the classroom is RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS. As a teacher if you can make friends with the students, and learn more about them (how they learn), than you can create a more individualized teaching style for each student. If you understand your students, and they feel comfortable with you, the overall experience in the class will be more beneficial for the teacher and students. It will allow both academic growth for the student, as well as a place where the student can feel safe to show their true colours. 


  1. I like how you speak to what a student can do to help with their own learning; it's a nice follow up to your previous post on how teachers can help students. It seems like feedback plays an important part in having a positive classroom; do you have personal experiences where this has helped you?

    Thank you for the post!

  2. Interesting post, Mackayla! I think it's important for students to take ownership for their own learning and think about what they can do to make sure they contribute to their learning. I love when students have positive attitudes in the classroom. And I agree that feedback is super important. I wonder what level of education you're writing about. College? High school? Every level? I also wonder if you have advice for creating a more individualized teaching style when you have 120 students, or more, a term. Is it possible to become friends with them all? Thanks for the thought-provoking post!
